
Creative concept for below the line
Strategic Plan tactics development, bussiness

development,marketing event.

Produksi iklan, design grafis, produksi multimedia,sampling selling dan distribusi program khusus.


Meeting, seminar, conference and exhibitions.
Off air program, konser music, pertunjukan seni dan


perjalanan wisata, outbounding. Gathering.


Stage concept,lighting system,decoration, multimedia
Band & music performance, classic and modern dance, art performer, special request& creative concept for party, launching etc

Film & Photography

Documentary, public service announcement, Film scoring

* Video and Photo Retouching

Senin, 05 Juli 2010


MAGNET INDONESIA mengetahui dengan persis kebutuhan klien dalam hal kampanye produk atau jasa yaitu keberhasilan promosi yang langsung mencapai konsumen atau komunitasnya agar meningkatkan awareness dan penjualan / sales. Sebagai Event Organizer, EO atau Event Planner, MAGNET INDONESIA berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk menjadi partner yang memberikan keuntungan bagi klien.

Di sisi lain, MAGNET INDONESIA juga mempunya kepedulian terhadap tujuan acara non komersil agar memberikan manfaat yang maksimal terhadap kemajuan kinerja perusahaan atau organisasi. MAGNET INDONESIA selalu berupaya merencanakan, mengatur dan menjaga jalannya acara yang memberikan kenyamanan, tak terlupakan, dan bermanfaat.

* Product Launching / Peluncuran Produk Baru
* Special Events / Acara dengan tema-tema khusus
* Community Gathering / Acara-acara yang berhubungan dengan komunitas
* User Training Events / Pelatihan
* Multi-City Seminar Tours / Pelatihan, seminar antar kota
* Conferences / Konferensi Pers
* Entertainment / Pertunjukan atau acara-acara entertainment

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010


Event Organizer atau EO dalam bahasa Inggris lebih dikenal dengan Event Planner atau Event Planning.
Event Organizer atau EO adalah orang atau badan usaha yang merencanakan sebuah acara, festival, pertunjukan, seremonial, kompetisi, pesta atau pertemuan.
Aktifitas Event Organizer atau EO meliputi perkiraan biaya, tanggal pelaksanaan, tempat, perijinan dan koordinasi transportasi hingga perparkiran.
Event Organizer atau EO juga melaksanakan hal-hal berikut: mengembangkan konsep atau tema acara, memilih dan menentukan pembicara, koordinasi kebutuhan di lapangan (listrik, sound system, dll), dekorasi, meja, kursi, tenda, tenaga keamanan, makanan, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, toilet, signage, petugas kesehatan profesional dan petugas kebersihan.
Event Organizer atau EO masih terbilang bidang usaha baru. Tapi saat ini sudah ada beberapa pelatihan atau training tentang karir atau usaha Event Organizer. Pelatihan ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk menangani tekanan dan efisiensi kerja. Dalam Event Organizer sangat dibutuhkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dan berorganisasi yang baik.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Event Organizer ( EO )

Event Organizer ( EO )

Penyelenggara acara (Inggris:Event organizer) adalah istilah untuk penyedia jasa profesional penyelenggara acara. Meski bisa dialihbahasakan, namun umumnya istilah aslinya tetap dipergunakan. Atau untuk mudahnya disebut EO Pada dasarnya, tugas dari EO. adalah membantu kliennya (client) untuk dapat menyelenggarakan acara yang diinginkan. Bisa jadi hal ini karena keterbatasan sumber daya atau waktu yang dimiliki klien, namun penggunaan jasa EO. juga dimungkinkan dengan alasan agar penyelenggaraannya profesional sehingga hasilnya lebih bagus daripada bila dikerjakan sendiri.

Jenis-jenis EO

Dilihat dari jenis acara yang diadakan, E.O. dapat dikategorikan menjadi:
* One Stop Service Agency: E.O. besar yang mampu menyelenggarakan berbagai jenis acara hingga skala internasional sekalipun
* MICE : Kependekan dari Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). E.O. yang khusus bergerak di bidang penyelenggaraan acara berbentuk pertemuan.
* Musik dan Hiburan: E.O. yang memiliki spesialisasi di bidang hiburan terutama musik.
* Penyelenggara Pernikahan: E.O. yang mengkhususkan diri membantu klien mengadakan pesta pernikahan.
* Penyelenggara Ulang Tahun: E.O. yang ahli membuat pesta ulang tahun termasuk untuk anak-anak.
* Penyelenggara Pribadi: E.O. khusus yang bergerak untuk penyelenggaraan pesta pribadi terutama bagi orang kaya.

ref: id.88db.com/Pertunjukan-Karya-Se...-112110/

Learn How To Create An Event That Will Generate Revenue For You!

When you are thinking about getting a great event together and making it special, you will want to use a little bit of your creative mind to make it great. You will want to learn how to create an event that will generate revenue for you. You will be able to make a great profit with your event and this will be a great success.

If you are trying to plan something that will bring you a little bit of profit, you will have to spend a little bit too. You will want to make sure that you are able to find the funds to spend on your special event. This is something that will be a great idea for you and one that will defiantly work out in the end.

You need to find the money to create your special event. You will want to hold fundraisers if necessary and other special events to make this great success happen for you. You will love the fact that you can get some of the money for your event and get all things that you want and need in to pull this thing off.

You will want to be sure that you are using the right materials to make the event great. You should have the right decorations that are going to really make your event stand out. You will also want to have the right location to start. You will find that there are many different areas that you can hold your event. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you reserve the spot that will accommodate all of the guests and have enough room to keep them all comfortable.

After you have the location that is best for you, you will have to pick the food and the entertainment. You need to have a good menu that will get people’s attention. Everyone wants to have a good meal when they go out especially if this is a meal that they are going to end up paying for. They will want to have something that is delicious and something that will give them a great impression.

Depending on the reason for your event, you may have to decide what type of donation you are looking for. You will want to use the donations for the cause that you are looking for. You will have to make sure that you are doing your best to raise the most money that you can for your cause. This will make you feel better and get a better reaction to your party.
Take the time to make the best of your budget and use all the resources that you have to make the event the perfect party. You will get more people to come to your party as well as make good revenue that you can use for purpose of the party. Sticking to your budget will help to keep you on track and make you more money in the end.

Make sure that you are advertising your event. You need to get all the publicity that you can when you are try to make some revenue from an event. This is something that you can be sure to have a great experience with if you are willing to go the distance and put forth your best effort to make your event stand out from the rest. People will be pleased with the great job that you have done and they will want to give up their money because of the wonderful job they have had.

ref: wikipedia

Event Planning

Event planning is the process of planning a festival, ceremony, competition, party, or convention. Event planning includes budgeting, establishing dates and alternate dates, selecting and reserving the event site, acquiring permits, and coordinating transportation and parking.

Event planning also includes some or all of the following, depending on the event: developing a theme or motif for the event, arranging for speakers and alternate speakers, coordinating location support (such as electricity and other utilities), arranging decor, tables, chairs, tents, event support and security, catering, police, fire, portable toilets, parking, signage, emergency plans, health care professionals, and cleanup.

Event Planning is a relatively new career field. There is now training that helps one trying to break into the career field. There must be training for an event planner to handle all the pressure and work efficiently. This career deals with a lot of communication and organization aspects. There are many different names for an event planner such as a conference coordinator, a convention planner, a special event coordinator, and a meeting manager.

Steps to Planning an Event

The first step to planning an event is determining its purpose, whether it is for a wedding, company, birthday, festival, graduation or any other event requiring exstensive planning. From this the event planner needs to choose entertainment, location, guest list, speakers, and content. The location for events is endless, but with event planning they would likely be held at hotels, convention centers, reception halls, or outdoors depending on the event. Once the location is set the coordinator/planner needs to prepare the event with staff, set up the entertainment, and keep contact with the client. After all this is set the event planner has all the smaller details to address like set up of the event such as food, drinks, music, guest list, budget, advertising and marketing, decorations, all this preparation is what is needed for an event to run smoothly.An event planner needs to be able to manage their time wisely for the event, and the length of preparation needed for each event so it is a success.

Working Conditions

Event planners work is considered either stressful or energizing. This line of work is also considered fast paced and demanding. Planners face deadlines and communicating with multiple people at one time. Planners spend most of their time in offices, but when meeting with clients the work is usually on-site at the location where the event is taking place. Some physical activity is required such as carrying boxes of materials and decorations or supplies needed for the event. Also, long working hours can be a part of the job. The day the event is taking place could start as early as 5:00 a.m. and then work until midnight. Working on weekends is sometimes required, which is when many events take place.

Publications and Resources

Many business-to-business trade publications exist to help event planning and production professionals become educated about the issues and trends in their industry. Many are controlled circulation publications available at no cost to qualified event professionals. Qualification is based on multiple variables like job title, company type, industry segment or geographic region, and is at the publisher’s discretion.

Reference: Wikipedia

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

under construction!